Main findings
The aim of our thesis is to
explore the concept of organisational
innovation in public organisations and to
recommend how to strengthen innovation
within such organisations.
The thesis is based on 20
qualitative interviews conducted in three
different Danish public organisations: a
Ministry; Integrationsministeriet, a Nursing
Home; Egebjerg Plejehjem and an Incinerator
Plant; Amagerforbrænding.
Five factors that influence
organisational innovation are identified:
Organisational structure, Organisational
culture, Strategy and goals, Innovation
process and Incentive structure. These
factors are based on theories pertaining to
organisational innovation in
private firms and
organisational theory in general.
The factors are tested and
analysed in the three public organisations.
The conclusion of the thesis is that there
are challenges concerning the five factors
that influence organisational innovation in
the three public organisations.
Both similarities and
differences are identified concerning the
organisations’ ability to create innovation
and it is argued that there in some areas
concerning the five factors are tendencies
that the closer the organisation is to the
government, the greater the challenges
concerning organisational innovation are.
Furthermore it is concluded
that the theory in some areas has to be
modified and encompass the fact that public
organisations are operating under different
circumstances which influence their ability
to innovate.
To strengthen organisational
innovation it is argued that public
organisations have to:
Identify a strategic aim with
Create an organisational
structure that stimulates innovation and
efficiency simultaneously
Eliminate a culture that
focuses on minimising faults at the cost of
innovation, in areas where it is possible
Put an end to the
unwillingness to change
Realise the creative
potential in the organisation
Acknowledge employee
Set goals that enable
creativity and innovation,
Encourage interdepartmental
knowledge sharing and
Focus more on capturing and
screening of ideas.
The nine recommendations are
based on the five theoretical factors
adjusted to the empirical findings.